Island Southeast Asia, Oceania, and Global Tribal Art News
Resource Spotlight | The Mary Griggs Burke Collection
Battle at Rokuhara (六波羅合戦), from Heiji monogatari emaki (平治物語絵巻) Kamakura period, first quarter of 14th century Handscroll fragment, mounted as hanging scroll; ink and color on paper 17.4 x 14.8 cm (6 7/8 x 5 7/8 in.) Donated to The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York by the Mary and Jackson Burke Foundation in 2015 Ex Coll.: Okamoto Ryōhei
The Mary Griggs Burke Collection
More than one thousand Japanese, Chinese, and Korean masterworks spanning five millennia
Cherry, Plum, and Willow Trees Edo period, early 17th century Six-panel folding screen; ink and color on gilded paper 153.4 x 349.4 cm (60 3/8 in. x 11 ft. 5 1/2 in.) Donated to The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York by the Mary and Jackson Burke Foundation in 2003
Daruma (達磨) Kamakura period, 14th century (?) Lacquered and gilded wood with inlaid crystal eyes Overall h. 54 cm (21 1/4 in.) Donated to the Minneapolis Institute of Art by the Mary and Jackson Burke Foundation in 2015
Amida Nyorai (阿弥陀如来) Late Heian period, early 12th century Polychromed Japanese cypress (hinoki) H. of statue 49.3 cm (19 3/8 in.); h. of pedestal 31.2 cm (12 1/4 in.) Donated to the Minneapolis Institute of Art by the Mary and Jackson Burke Foundation in 2015
Shinto God and Goddess (男神、女神) Late Heian period, 10th century Japanese cypress (hinoki) with traces of polychrome H. of each 52.5 cm (20 5/8 in.) Donated to The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York by the Mary and Jackson Burke Foundation in 2015
Battle at Rokuhara (六波羅合戦), from Heiji monogatari emaki (平治物語絵巻) Kamakura period, first quarter of 14th century Handscroll fragment, mounted as hanging scroll; ink and color on paper 17.4 x 14.8 cm (6 7/8 x 5 7/8 in.) Donated to The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York by the Mary and Jackson Burke Foundation in 2015 Ex Coll.: Okamoto Ryōhei
Six of the Group of Twelve Guardians (Jūni Shinshō, 十二神将) Kamakura period, 14th century Lacquered, polychromed, and gilded wood with inlaid crystal eyes H. 42–46.3 cm (16 1/2–18 1/4 in.) The six are tentatively identified as 2. Ox (丑); 4. Rabbit (卯); 6. Snake (巳); 7. Horse (午); 11. Dog (戌); 12. Boar (亥) Donated to The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York by the Mary and Jackson Burke Foundation in 2015
Squirrel on a Branch Anonymous Attributed to Tao Cheng (陶成; fl. mid-15th century) by Kano Eishin (Yasunobu) (狩野永真 [安信]; 1613–1685) Ming dynasty, 15th century Album leaf mounted as a hanging scroll; ink and color on silk 23.5 x 21.5 cm (9 1/4 x 8 1/2 in.) Donated to the Yale University Art Gallery by the Mary and Jackson Burke Foundation in 2015
Aizen Myōō (愛染明王) Nanbokuchō period Hanging scroll; ink, color, gold, and cut gold leaf (kirikane) on silk 135.1 x 89.4 cm (53 1/8 x 35 1/4 in.) Donated to The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York by Mary Griggs Burke in 1966
Shinto God and Goddess (男神、女神) Late Heian to early Kamakura period, 12th–13th century Polychromed wood H. of god 39.1 cm (15 3/8 in.); h. of goddess 39.8 cm (15 5/8 in.) Donated to the Minneapolis Institute of Art by the Mary and Jackson Burke Foundation in 2015
Mirror Goryeo dynasty [possibly Chinese, Song (960–1279) or Yuan (1271–1368) dynasty] Bronze with four directional guardian animals and twelve zodiac signs in relief Diam. 17.7 cm (7 in.) Donated to the Minneapolis Institute of Art by the Mary and Jackson Burke Foundation in 2015
Jizō Bosatsu (地蔵菩薩) Kamakura period (?) Wood with traces of polychrome H. 34.3 cm (13 1/2 in.) Donated to the Minneapolis Institute of Art by the Mary and Jackson Burke Foundation in 2015
Taima Mandala (当麻曼荼羅) Kamakura period, early 14th century Hanging scroll; ink, color, gold, and cut gold leaf (kirikane) on silk 128.5 x 117 cm (50 5/8 x 46 1/8 in.) Donated to the Minneapolis Institute of Art by Mary Griggs Burke in memory of Jackson Burke in 1985
Fudō Myōō (不動明王) Kaikei (快慶; fl. ca. 1183–1223) Kamakura period, early 13th century Lacquered, polychromed, and gilded Japanese cypress (hinoki) with kirikane and inlaid crystal eyes H. 51.5 cm (20 1/4 in.) Donated to The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York by the Mary and Jackson Burke Foundation in 2015 Ex Coll.: Shōrenin, Kyoto
Seated Bodhisattva (left attendant of a triad) Joseon dynasty, mid-17th century Gilded wood H. 51.4 cm (20 1/4 in.) Donated to The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York by the Mary and Jackson Burke Foundation in 2015
Bishamonten (毘沙門天) Heian period, 11th century Wood with polychrome H. including the base 116 cm (45 5/8 in.) Donated to the Minneapolis Institute of Art by the Mary and Jackson Burke Foundation in 2015
Dai Shōjin Bosatsu (大精進菩薩), from Kontai butsugajō (金胎仏画帖) Attributed to Takuma Tametō (宅間為遠; fl. ca. 1132–74) Late Heian period, mid-12th century Page from book, mounted as hanging scroll; ink and color on paper 25 x 12.8 cm (9 7/8 x 5 in.) Donated to The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York by the Mary and Jackson Burke Foundation in 2015
Guardian Kamakura period (?) Polychromed Japanese cypress (hinoki) H. 39.2 cm (15 3/8 in.) Donated to the Minneapolis Institute of Art by the Mary and Jackson Burke Foundation in 2015
Lotus, Turtle, and Fish in Rondel Joseon dynasty, late 19th century Framed painting; ink and color on paper 37.5 x 37.6 cm (14 3/4 x 14 3/4 in.) Donated to the Minneapolis Institute of Art by the Mary and Jackson Burke Foundation in 2015
Hachiman in the Guise of a Buddhist Monk (Sōgyō Hachiman, 僧形八幡) Late Heian period, 12th century (?) Polychromed Japanese cypress (hinoki) H. 34.3 cm (13 1/2 in.) Donated to the Minneapolis Institute of Art by the Mary and Jackson Burke Foundation in 2015
Demon mask Kamakura period (?) Polychromed wood H. 33 cm (13 in.) Donated to the Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens by the Mary and Jackson Burke Foundation in 2015
Pair of Daoist Deities: (left) Songzi Niangniang (送子娘娘) and (right) Yanguang Niangniang (眼光娘娘) Ming dynasty, late 16th–early 17th century Gilt bronze with blue and red lacquer; wood bases H. of each 21 cm (8 1/4 in.); (left) h. with base 23.6 cm (9 1/4 in.); (right) h. with base 23.1 cm (9 1/8 in.) Donated to the Yale University Art Gallery by the Mary and Jackson Burke Foundation in 2015