Art of the Ancestors Most Popular Features of 2020
Sacred carving (jaraik) for attracting blessings and expelling evil influences. Wood, bokkoi monkey skull, mother-of-pearl, red and black pigments, 138 x 93 cm, from the entrance to the rear room of the former Maileppet uma, East Siberut, ca. 1920. NMVW 7085-1
As we enter the new year, Art of the Ancestors presents a brief retrospective of our top features from 2020. We are grateful for all of the support and positive reinforcement we have received from our contributors as well as from our readership. We look forward to sharing more beautiful art and thought-provoking content in the months to come. If there is a topic or field of interest you believe our community would benefit from, we invite you to make suggestions through our Contact page.
Best wishes,
Art of the Ancestors Editorial Team
Detail of sacred carving (jaraik), openwork ornament. Uma decoration resembling the jaraik from neighboring Maileppet, but purchased with a broken midsection. Wood, rattan, mother-of-pearl, red and black pigments, glass beads, skull (bokkoi, Macaca nemestrina pagenesis), 75 x 120 cm, ca. 1910. Collected by Paul Wirz, 1926. Katoerei, East Siberut. Museum der Kulturen Basel, llc 2683.
Bahau Saa' or Busang-Bahau guardian figure from the top of a funerary post | Jihe
© Dallas Museum of Art
Northern style composite helmet mask with avian and aquatic imagery
© Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Kayanic woman with beaded hat
© Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen
A Sa'dan Toraja priestess during the bua' festival. Sulawesi. Dr. C.H.M. Nooy-Palm 1970
© Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen
Studio portrait of a Dayak with lance and shield.
© Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen
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